The ideal gift or vacation souvenir is waiting for shoppers at New England’s many boutique shops, factory outlets, specialty food stores, and fine craft stores. In New Hampshire, for instance, the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen sells unique fine crafts in several retail locations. Country stores and general stores in Vermont sell nostalgic toys, household goods, and old-fashioned treats. Outlets in every state offer national brands for clothing and household goods. Outdoor gear choices are extensive at Maine’s Kittery Outlets and L.L. Bean. Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston invites shoppers to explore marvelous gifts and foods. Food gifts are delicious reminder of the local food culture.
1650 Hartford-New London Tpke. (Rt. 85) Oakdale, CT, 06370 Phone: 860-443-4367
Visit a vast variety of shops and take home a treasure after fun day at dino park
61 Market Street, Unit 1C Lowell, MA, 01852 Phone: 978-459-6150
Extraordinary locations and out-of-the-ordinary items make for true one-of-a-kind shopping experiences
277 Main Street - Route 131 Sturbridge, MA, 01566 Phone: 508-347-3313 Toll-Free: 800-782-5425
Take home a little of this famous inn’s freshly made baked goods, comfort foods
Time for some retail therapy? Turn to the unique shops along village Main Street
Something for every shopper in these hills, valleys and village main streets
101 Kingston Collection Way Kingston, MA, 02364 Phone: 781-582-2445
This easily accessible mall means you can shop without the drop
174 Colony Place Plymouth, MA, 02360 Phone: 508-746-7663
Plymouth Colony has its own special shopping place
When you visit this special village, don’t forget to add shopping to your to-do list